I. Introduction If on Windows, this is the only supported method of running and compiling the CTL4j, but most of the guide also applies to using Eclipse on Linux. You should be aware of the fact that I consider Win32 a second class platform at the moment, which means that I do not test it as thoroughly as I do on Linux and random things might break. All $FOO expressions should be replaced with the corresponding values by yourself. II. Installation 1) Python (tested with URL: http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePython/ Installation: click, click, click, ... 2) Java Development Kit (tested with 1.5.0_06) URL: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/download.jsp Installation: click, click, click, ... 3) Apache Ant (tested with 1.6.5) This package does not need to be installed on Win32. 4) Eclipse (tested with 3.2RC7) URL: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/index.php Installation: Unpack somewhere and run it from there. Make sure that Eclipse finds your JDK and not the JRE only, I had to fiddle with my PATH for this (you will not see this breaking until later on). 5) Cygwin (tested with 1.5.19-4) URL: http://www.cygwin.com/setup.exe Installation: Follow this guide: http://pigtail.net/LRP/printsrv/cygwin-sshd.html In addition to the default package selection, you might also want to install one of the editors. 6) OpenSSH configuration You should have a running local sshd after the last step. Now open a Cygwin shell and log in with 'ssh localhost'. You accept the host-key to make it known and trusted. If you want, you can also setup RSA keys now, then you do not need to put your password into your locs.txt: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa $ cd ~/.ssh $ cp id_rsa.pub authorized_keys Keep the shell open for later use. Now copy the .ssh directory from your Cygwin home ($CYGWINDIR/home/$YOUR_USERNAME) to your real home directory, which is 'Documents & Settings', which is not necessarily the same as 'My Documents'. 7) CTL4j URL: https://shuya.ath.cx/~neocool/code/CTL/ctl4j-snapshot.tar.bz2 Installation: Fire up Eclipse and import the project from either the tarball or a SCM (CVS, ...). Leave Eclipse open for later use. 8) Other dependencies URL: http://www.icculus.org/~boris/projects/CTL/win32/deps-20060617.tar.bz2 Installation: The JARs can be anywhere on your system. The unpacked 'prakt' directory should be in your workspace, so that it is accessible as ../prakt/ from the ctl4j directory. Modify the locations of the dependency JARs in both the 'Java Build Path' and the Classpath of the external builder 'Builder' (one is needed for Eclipse's syntax checking to work, the other one for the actual build process). Now go back to the open Cygwin shell and navigate to the directory where the JARs and 'gen_classpath.sh' were extracted (cd /cygwindrive/$DRIVELETTER/$PATH_TO_JARS). Run the script and append the output to your bashrc by typing: $ ./gen_classpath.sh >> ~/.bashrc You can now close the shell. III. Running the example Go back to Eclipse and you should now be able to compile the project without Eclipse reporting any errors and a 'BUILD SUCCESSFUL' message in the console window. Do not set Eclipse to 'Build Automatically', because it will run ant in an endless loop then. Create a suitable locs.txt in the ctl4j directory, with this line in it: $YOUR_USERNAME@localhost:$PATH_TO_CTL4J/src/Example.Server tcp Run your application (Note: only tested with Example.Client3 right now). ... Profit!